
As a feminist, digital scholar of nineteenth century America, my goal as an instructor is to encourage my students to investigate and question how systems of gendered oppression are both historically situated as well as contemporary to the digital world. My commitments as a feminist scholar are exhibited in my commitment to open access education and community learning. As an instructor, I am dedicated to teaching that is both interdisciplinary and open-access. In my own experience as both an English student and Computer Science student, classrooms can often seem like they are structured to work against students from marginalized backgrounds. In order to combat this, I have centered my teaching philosophy around being able to instruct in a way that speaks across disciplines and meet the unique needs of students and scholars from varying backgrounds and social circumstances. All of this has prepared me with the tools necessary to encourage my students to question systems of power as well as understand their impacts on both historical societies as well as our own. In this way, I hope that I can prepare my students to combat the oppression that these histories have helped to shape, as well as equip them with the political and digital literacies that are becoming increasingly necessary in our contemporary world.

Undergraduate Courses

  • Advanced Writing in the Technical Professions. Summer 2021


  • The Fugitive Caribbean: Speculation in the Archive. Online. Spring 2021

  • The Fugitive Caribbean: Transcribathon. Online. Spring 2021

  • “The ECDA and Runaway Slave Advertisements.” Bridgetown, Barbados. Spring 2019

  • Introduction to Python. Boston, MA. Spring 2019.